Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique is a peer-reviewed mathematical journal founded in 2016. The selection of articles follows a usual editorial process: the submissions are evaluated by the editorial board after reception of the referee reports. Articles are published in English or in French (with an abstract in English).
The scope of the journal covers algebraic geometry in a broad sense, including complex or arithmetic geometry, algebraic groups and representation theory.
The composition of the editorial board can be found here.
To submit an article, here is the submission page.
The EpiGA conference took place from 10-14 June 2024 at the Sorbonne University (Jussieu), Paris.
Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique also aims at promoting the Épisciences platform among the mathematical community. This platform (a new tool devoted to scientific publishing) enables to publish peer-reviewed research articles submitted from an open repository. Developed by the CCSD (a common service of CNRS, INRIA and University of Lyon), it consists of a high-quality technical interface and it benefits from a long-term institutional support. Its evolution (development of the interface and creation of new tools) is carried out in close collaboration with the scientific community.
The journal is published electronically on the Épisciences platform. The published articles remain the property of their authors and are freely available, without any cost for authors or readers.
For more information about manuscript submission, please consult the section Information for Authors.
Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique is a member of Free Journal Network.
No right transfer is signed with the authors, who keep the property rights of their article.
For more information or in case you need technical assistance with the web site, please contact us at: epiga (at) episciences (dot) org.