Demi-journée science ouverte

Le 12 juin à Jussieu aura lieu une après-midi pour la science ouverte en mathématiques. Il y aura plusieurs exposés dans l'amphi Durand, dans l'espace Esclangon du campus Jussieu de Sorbonne Université. Ces exposés seront suivis de la remise du prix Demailly et d'un cocktail dans la tour panoramique de Jussieu.

En raison d'un nombre limité de places, si vous souhaitez participer, il est nécessaire de s'inscrire en remplissant ce formulaire.

Voici le programme détaillé.

  • 14h00 : Laure Saint Raymond, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques à Bures sur Yvette, "Is our approach to science sustainable?"

    The increase in the number of papers published, the massive bill of leading publishers, and the increase in the use of data, AI, and complex algorithms for scientific discovery open several questions about our behaviour as scientists. 
    What needs to change so that scientific research can continue to be a collective endeavour and fulfil its promise to make the world a better place?

  • 14h30 : Didier Torny, Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation à l'Ecole des Mines de Paris, "How open access came to maths."

    Mathematics as an academic discipline has some unique characteristics if we look at its publications: low number of signatories per article, use of articles over a very long period, limited presence of the big commercial publishers for an STM discipline and great diversity of publishers, specificity of the organisation of peer review, etc. Based on these existing practices, open access has followed a number of trajectories, the combination of which is also unique: the widespread use of preprints as a means of scientific communication, the opening up of the worldwide reference database (Zbmathopen), the transfer of many journals from commercial publishers to other structures, the intense involvement of mathematicians in the fight for open access and against the gold APC model, etc. .. This presentation will provide an overview of these practices and draw lessons for all disciplines from the example of mathematics..

  • 15h00 : Amaury Lambert, Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Biologie, Collège de France et Ecole Normale Supérieure à Paris, "Researchers reclaim the scientific publication system:  Peer Community In..."

  • 15h30 : pause café

  • 16h00 : Céline Barthonnat, Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe à Villeurbanne, "Episciences: Diamond Open Access publishing with overlay journals"

    Episciences is an Open Access scientific journal publishing platform open to all countries and languages, with no access or publication fees. It currently hosts 35 journals, including Epiga, from various disciplines, mainly mathematics, computer science, applied mathematics, social sciences and humanities. The platform is run by academics and supported by French university funds (Ministry of Higher Education and Research, CNRS, Inria and INRAE). It is also supported by the editorial teams of the CCSD, Inria and the Fourier Institute. The content of the publications is hosted in open repositories (such as HAL, arXiv and Zenodo). The platform provides a complete publishing solution for researchers, allowing them to evaluate and publish articles, datasets and software. All these components can also be linked together to promote the FAIR principles and reproducibility of science.

  • 16h30 : Filippo Nuccio, Université Jean Monnet à Saint Etienne, "How to enjoy a mathematical discussion with your laptop."

    Proof assistants are programs that enable to interact with a computer about the logical soundness of mathematical arguments. Their use is blossoming and some questions arise: how does formalising and digitalising mathematics affect collaborations? What about publication standards, are these processes going to change what it means to do mathematics? Where does the interest, if any, lie?  I will illustrate some of the recent projects involving proof assistants and will discuss some possible, personal, answers to the previous questions.

  • 17h00 : Remise du prix Demailly par Merieme Chadid, présidente du jury. Exposés sur zbMATH Open par Klaus Hulek, Olaf Teschke et Christian Bär.

  • 18h00 : Cocktail dans la tour panoramique.