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Articles à paraître
Articles à paraître
Bernstein-Sato theory modulo $p^m$
. Thomas Bitoun ; Eamon Quinlan-Gallego
(Accepté le : 2025-03-24)
On the number of real forms of a complex variety
. Gerard van der Geer ; Xun Yu
(Accepté le : 2025-02-09)
On singular Hilbert schemes of points: local structures and tautological sheaves
. Xiaowen Hu
(Accepté le : 2025-02-07)
Stability Conditions on Free Abelian Quotients
. Hannah Dell
(Accepté le : 2025-02-07)
Terminalizations of quotients of compact hyperkähler manifolds by induced symplectic automorphisms
. Valeria Bertini ; Annalisa Grossi ; Mirko Mauri ; Enrica Mazzon
(Accepté le : 2024-12-05)
On the irrationality of moduli spaces of projective hyperkähler manifolds
. Daniele Agostini ; Ignacio Barros ; Kuan-Wen Lai
(Accepté le : 2024-11-21)
Kawamata-Miyaoka type inequality for canonical $\mathbb Q$-Fano varieties II: terminal $\mathbb Q$-Fano threefolds
. Haidong Liu ; Jie Liu
(Accepté le : 2024-11-20)
Analytic continuation of better-behaved GKZ systems and Fourier-Mukai transforms
. Zengrui Han
(Accepté le : 2024-10-31)
On $G$-birational rigidity of del Pezzo surfaces
. Egor Yasinsky
(Accepté le : 2024-10-30)
Cellular pavings of fibers of convolution morphisms
. Thomas J. Haines
(Accepté le : 2024-09-24)
Toric sheaves and flips
. Andrew Clarke ; Achim Napame ; Carl Tipler
(Accepté le : 2024-09-24)
Non-hyperbolicity of holomorphic symplectic varieties
. Ljudmila Kamenova ; Christian Lehn
(Accepté le : 2024-09-19)
Pseudo-effectivity of the relative canonical divisor and uniruledness in positive characteristic
. Zsolt Patakfalvi
(Accepté le : 2024-08-13)
The LLV Algebra for Primitive Symplectic Varieties with Isolated Singularities
. Benjamin Tighe
(Accepté le : 2024-08-13)