Demailly prize for open science in Mathematics
Demailly Prize
Demailly Prize
Description of the prize
The SMF, the SMAI and the SFdS, in association with the Epijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, have decided to create the "Jean-Pierre Demailly Prize for Open Science in Mathematics".
This biennial prize, which will be awarded for the first time in 2024, will reward a project that contributes to open science in the field of mathematics, either in terms of scientific publishing, collaboration between mathematicians or free software in mathematics.
The aim of the prize is to further highlight the importance of these issues ; it will focus on contributions that benefit the scientific community as a whole, rather than on individual achievements.
Photo: Holly CHEN 2019
As a symbolic gesture, a Gömbök will be offered to the team of the winning project during a dedicated ceremony, which will take place during the epiga 2024 conference, and more specifically on 12 June 2024 during an afternoon devoted to open science in mathematics, during which the winning project will be presented by its initiators.
Composition of the jury
The jury for this prize is composed of:
- Merieme Chadid, president of the International Scientific Council of UNESCO, co-president of the jury with Timothy Gowers
- Julie Delon, associate editor at SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS) and Image Processing On Line (IPOL) Journal
- Mouhamed Moustapha Fall, director of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Senegal
- Timothy Gowers, founder of the PolyMaths project and the journal Discrete Analysis, launcher of the petition "The cost of knowledge", laureate of the Fields medal in 1998, co-president of the jury with Merieme Chadid
- Andrea Lopez, Sales Director for Annual Reviews, active member of the Subscribe to Open Community of Practice
- Violaine Louvet, research engineer at CNRS and project manager at the University of Grenoble for publications, data and codes
- Alejandro Maass, Director of International Relations Center for Mathematical Modeling (IRL-CNRS) and Fellow Ambassador CNRS
- Alex Scorpan, executive director of Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP)
- Christoph Sorger, editor-in-chief of the Annales Henri Lebesgue, former director of the French National Institute of Mathematics and their Interactions (INSMI)
- Dan Timotin, deputy director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, editor for two Romanian mathematics journals
Project selection criteria
General rules
- Applications. Only projects for which an application has been submitted will be examined. It is possible to apply for your own project or for a project that you like. The jury may invite applications.
- Conflicts of interest with jury members. It is the role of the prize organizing committee to identify applications in conflict of interest with one or more members of the jury (and which cannot therefore be examined).
- Aspects of the profession concerned. All aspects of the profession of academic teacher and researcher are concerned by this prize: for example, teaching, research, publishing, etc. Projects related to dissemination to a general audience are however excluded because other prizes already exist.
Selection criteria
- Project scope. Which part of the mathematics community does this project concern? Is it intended for all mathematicians, or for a particular thematic or geographical community? Or, on the contrary, does it go beyond the mathematical community (open to other disciplines, to the general public, etc.)? Which aspects of the work of a mathematician does this project concern ? (research, teaching, publishing, etc.)
- Innovative and impactful character. How does the project differ from what already exists? Which benefits does it bring to the mathematical community? Is the project likely to change (or encourage changes in) the way researchers collaborate or share information?
- Accessibility of the project. Has broad accessibility (including to countries or communities with less reliable technical means available) been considered? What means have been put in place to ensure this accessibility from the point of view of ergonomics/ease of use, the dissemination of information (advertising, dissemination via institutional channels, etc.) as well as from the technical point of view?
- Sizing and financing of the project. Are the project and its ramifications non-profit ? How many volunteers and paid people contribute ? Is the financial contribution requested from project users (if any) in line with the actual costs for deploying the project ? Have specific rates been put in place for low-income countries and communities ?
- Sustainability envisaged. Has the sustainability of the project been considered ? What has been put in place (or is planned to be put in place) to ensure the success of the project in the long term ?
To apply, send your application (2 to 3 pages seems a reasonable size, written in English) no later than February 29, 2024 midnight (Paris time) in pdf format to the following email address: prixdemailly@episciences.org
In case there is a problem with this address, questions and applications can be sent to amandine.veber@parisdescartes.fr.
We will send you a message confirming receipt of your application.
Organizing committee
This prize is organized by:
- Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput, president of the Epijournal de Géométrie Algébrique association
- Guillaume Chauvet, elected member of the Société Française de Statistique (SFdS) board
- Benoît Claudon, director of publications at the Société Mathématique de France (SMF)
- Fabien Durand, president of the Société Mathématique de France (SMF)
- Gianluca Pacienza, in charge of the communication for the Epijournal de Géométrie Algébrique
- Amandine Véber, director of publications at the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et industrielles (SMAI)