About the journal

- Focus and Scope
- Peer-review Process
- Original Material
- Languages
- Cost
- Open Access and licenses
- Indexing
- Publication Ethics
- Editorial Board
- Monitoring Committee
- Legal Mentions

Focus and Scope

Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique publishes original research articles written in English or French. The scope of the journal covers algebraic geometry in a broad sense, including complex or arithmetic geometry, algebraic groups and representation theory. It also aims at promoting the Épisciences platform.

Peer-review Process

The quality of the articles submitted to Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique is assessed along a classical peer-review process (single-blind peer-review process).

  • One editor is in charge of the article and chooses one or several reviewers to give their assessment (ideally within at most 3 months).
  • According to these reports, the editor makes up his or her mind about the article. In case of a positive opinion, the other editors are informed.
  • The final decision is taken commonly. During 15 days the other editors can consult the reports and give their (argued) opinion concerning the acceptance of the article. After this one-month notice period, the author is informed of the final decision.
  • This selection process as well as other operating rules of the journal are described in this document.

Original Material

Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique publishes original studies that have not been published elsewhere. Any form of plagiarism would imply rejection of the article.


Published articles are written in English or French. In the latter case, they must contain a translation into English of the title and the abstract.


The journal is entirely controlled by members of the scientific community: no fee is then required to authors or their institutions in order to publish their work. This is made possible by the strong support of the CCSD (Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe) through the use of the Épisciences platform. The copy-editing of the articles is realized by the Reinie Erné society. It is funded by the FNSO project PEREPIGA jointly with a contribution of Lorraine University.
The editorial board, as well as the monitoring committee, are committed to making every effort that this strict Open Access policy endures through time.

Open Access and licenses

The articles published in Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique come from an open repository (HAL or arXiv) and then remain freely available to the reader.
The authors keep the property rights of their article which is distributed under a Creative-Commons Attribution License CC-BY-SA (attribution and share-alike). Licence CC-BY-SA


Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique owns the ISSN number: ISSN 2491-6765. The journal is indexed in the following databases


Logo MathScinet Logo ZentralBlatt Logo DOAJ Web of Science Scopus

Publication Ethics

Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique adheres to the Code of practice, edited by the European Mathematical Society.

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board consists of eleven members, one of them being the coordinator. The specific role of the latter is to assign an editor to a submitted article. The editorial board is also in charge of the scientific communication of the journal (to promote it and to encourage new submissions).

Monitoring Committee

The monitoring committee is in charge of the practical management of the journal. It comprises the following members:

  • Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput (Lorraine University - president of the association)
  • Benoît Claudon (Rennes 1 University - in charge of the relation between authors, editors, and link with the plateform)
  • Lucas Fresse (Lorraine University - secretary of the association)
  • Gianluca Pacienza (Lorraine University - in charge of the communication)


The copy-editing of the articles is realized by the Reinie Erné society.

  Director of publication   Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput
  Host   CCSD – Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe
  28 rue Louis Guérin
  69100 Villeurbanne, France
  e-ISSN   2491-6765
  Editor   Association Epiga
  Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, Université de Lorraine
  BP 70239
  54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy cedex, France