Beren Sanders - A characterization of finite étale morphisms in tensor triangular geometry

epiga:7641 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 21 octobre 2022, Volume 6 -
A characterization of finite étale morphisms in tensor triangular geometryArticle

Auteurs : Beren Sanders ORCID

    We provide a characterization of finite étale morphisms in tensor triangular geometry. They are precisely those functors which have a conservative right adjoint, satisfy Grothendieck--Neeman duality, and for which the relative dualizing object is trivial (via a canonically-defined map).

    Volume : Volume 6
    Publié le : 21 octobre 2022
    Accepté le : 21 octobre 2022
    Soumis le : 1 juillet 2021
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Category Theory,Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,Mathematics - Algebraic Topology
    Financement :
      Source : OpenAIRE Graph
    • Categorical Methods for Classical, Equivariant, and Motivic Homotopy Theory; Financeur: National Science Foundation; Code: 1903429

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