Thibaut Delcroix - Uniform K-stability of polarized spherical varieties

epiga:9959 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 23 mars 2023, Volume 7 -
Uniform K-stability of polarized spherical varietiesArticle

Auteurs : Thibaut Delcroix ORCID

    We express notions of K-stability of polarized spherical varieties in terms of combinatorial data, vastly generalizing the case of toric varieties. We then provide a combinatorial sufficient condition of G-uniform K-stability by studying the corresponding convex geometric problem. Thanks to recent work of Chi Li and a remark by Yuji Odaka, this provides an explicitly checkable sufficient condition of existence of constant scalar curvature Kahler metrics. As a side effect, we show that, on several families of spherical varieties, G-uniform K-stability is equivalent to K-polystability with respect to G-equivariant test configurations for polarizations close to the anticanonical bundle.

    Volume : Volume 7
    Publié le : 23 mars 2023
    Accepté le : 1 décembre 2022
    Soumis le : 24 août 2022
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,Mathematics - Complex Variables,Mathematics - Differential Geometry,14M27, 32Q26, 53C25, 32Q20
    Financement :
      Source : OpenAIRE Graph
    • Real Monge-Ampère and Kähler geometry of homogeneous spaces; Financeur: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-21-CE40-0011
    • Fibrations and algebraic group actions; Financeur: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-18-CE40-0003


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    • 1 zbMATH Open

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