Jonas Bergström ; Carel Faber - Cohomology of moduli spaces via a result of Chenevier and Lannes

epiga:10307 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 3 octobre 2023, Volume 7 -
Cohomology of moduli spaces via a result of Chenevier and LannesArticle

Auteurs : Jonas Bergström ; Carel Faber

    We use a classification result of Chenevier and Lannes for algebraic automorphic representations together with a conjectural correspondence with $\ell$-adic absolute Galois representations to determine the Euler characteristics (with values in the Grothendieck group of such representations) of $\overline{\mathcal M}_{3,n}$ and $\mathcal M_{3,n}$ for $n \leq 14$ and of local systems $\mathbb{V}_{\lambda}$ on $\mathcal{A}_3$ for $|\lambda| \leq 16$.

    Volume : Volume 7
    Publié le : 3 octobre 2023
    Accepté le : 21 juin 2023
    Soumis le : 15 novembre 2022
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,14H10, 14K10

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