Stéphane Druel - Some remarks on regular foliations with numerically trivial canonical class

epiga:2057 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 1 septembre 2017, Volume 1 -
Some remarks on regular foliations with numerically trivial canonical classArticle

Auteurs : Stéphane Druel

    In this article, we first describe codimension two regular foliations with numerically trivial canonical class on complex projective manifolds whose canonical class is not numerically effective. Building on a recent algebraicity criterion for leaves of algebraic foliations, we then address regular foliations of small rank with numerically trivial canonical class on complex projective manifolds whose canonical class is pseudo-effective. Finally, we confirm the generalized Bondal conjecture formulated by Beauville in some special cases.

    Volume : Volume 1
    Publié le : 1 septembre 2017
    Accepté le : 31 mai 2017
    Soumis le : 27 juin 2017
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,37F75
    Financement :
      Source : OpenAIRE Graph
    • Algebraic and Kähler geometry; Financeur: European Commission; Code: 670846

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