Ljudmila Kamenova - Hyper-Kähler Fourfolds Fibered by Elliptic Products

epiga:3983 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, September 21, 2018, Volume 2 - https://doi.org/10.46298/epiga.2018.volume2.3983
Hyper-Kähler Fourfolds Fibered by Elliptic ProductsArticle

Authors: Ljudmila Kamenova

    Every fibration of a projective hyper-Kähler fourfold has fibers which are Abelian surfaces. In case the Abelian surface is a Jacobian of a genus two curve, these have been classified by Markushevich. We study those cases where the Abelian surface is a product of two elliptic curves, under some mild genericity hypotheses.

    Volume: Volume 2
    Published on: September 21, 2018
    Accepted on: September 14, 2018
    Submitted on: October 10, 2017
    Keywords: Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,Mathematics - Differential Geometry,14D06, 14E05, 53C26
      Source : OpenAIRE Graph
    • Classification of Albeian fibered hyper-Kahler fourfolds; Funder: National Science Foundation; Code: 0805594
    • Basic Research in Mathematics; Funder: National Science Foundation; Code: 0111298

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