Alina Marian ; Xiaolei Zhao - On the group of zero-cycles of holomorphic symplectic varieties

epiga:5506 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 13 mars 2020, Volume 4 -
On the group of zero-cycles of holomorphic symplectic varietiesArticle

Auteurs : Alina Marian ; Xiaolei Zhao ORCID

    For a moduli space of Bridgeland-stable objects on a K3 surface, we show that the Chow class of a point is determined by the Chern class of the corresponding object on the surface. This establishes a conjecture of Junliang Shen, Qizheng Yin, and the second author.

    Volume : Volume 4
    Publié le : 13 mars 2020
    Accepté le : 13 mars 2020
    Soumis le : 23 mai 2019
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry

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