Marco Antei ; Michel Emsalem ; Carlo Gasbarri - Sur l'existence du schéma en groupes fondametal

epiga:5436 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 8 juin 2020, Volume 4 -
Sur l'existence du schéma en groupes fondametalArticle

Auteurs : Marco Antei ORCID; Michel Emsalem ; Carlo Gasbarri

    Let $S$ be a Dedekind scheme, $X$ a connected $S$-scheme locally of finite type and $x\in X(S)$ a section. The aim of the present paper is to establish the existence of the fundamental group scheme of $X$, when $X$ has reduced fibers or when $X$ is normal. We also prove the existence of a group scheme, that we will call the quasi-finite fundamental group scheme of $X$ at $x$, which classifies all the quasi-finite torsors over $X$, pointed over $x$. We define Galois torsors, which play in this context a role similar to the one of Galois covers in the theory of étale fundamental group.

    Volume : Volume 4
    Publié le : 8 juin 2020
    Accepté le : 1 avril 2020
    Soumis le : 7 mai 2019
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,Mathematics - Number Theory,14G99, 14L15, 14L30, 11G99
    Financement :
      Source : OpenAIRE Graph
    • Torsors, Vector Bundles and Fundamental Group Scheme; Financeur: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-13-PDOC-0015

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