Katharina Heinrich ; Roy Skjelnes ; Jan Stevens - The space of twisted cubics

epiga:5573 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 3 juin 2021, Volume 5 - https://doi.org/10.46298/epiga.2021.volume5.5573
The space of twisted cubicsArticle

Auteurs : Katharina Heinrich ; Roy Skjelnes ; Jan Stevens

    We consider the Cohen-Macaulay compactification of the space of twisted cubics in projective n-space. This compactification is the fine moduli scheme representing the functor of CM-curves with Hilbert polynomial 3t+1. We show that the moduli scheme of CM-curves in projective 3-space is isomorphic to the twisted cubic component of the Hilbert scheme. We also describe the compactification for twisted cubics in n-space.

    Volume : Volume 5
    Publié le : 3 juin 2021
    Accepté le : 5 mars 2021
    Soumis le : 13 juin 2019
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,14C05, 14D22, 14H10, 14A20

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