Indranil Biswas ; Peter O'Sullivan - \'Etale triviality of finite equivariant vector bundles

epiga:7275 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 19 novembre 2021, Volume 5 -
\'Etale triviality of finite equivariant vector bundlesArticle

Auteurs : Indranil Biswas ; Peter O'Sullivan

    Let H be a complex Lie group acting holomorphically on a complex analytic space X such that the restriction to X_{\mathrm{red}} of every H-invariant regular function on X is constant. We prove that an H-equivariant holomorphic vector bundle E over X is $H$-finite, meaning f_1(E)= f_2(E) as H-equivariant bundles for two distinct polynomials f_1 and f_2 whose coefficients are nonnegative integers, if and only if the pullback of E along some H-equivariant finite étale covering of X is trivial as an H-equivariant bundle.

    Volume : Volume 5
    Publié le : 19 novembre 2021
    Accepté le : 19 novembre 2021
    Soumis le : 17 mars 2021
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,Mathematics - Category Theory,32L10, 53C55, 14D21, 16B50

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