Thibault Poiret - Néron models of Jacobians over bases of arbitrary dimension

epiga:7340 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 21 septembre 2022, Volume 6 -
Néron models of Jacobians over bases of arbitrary dimensionArticle

Auteurs : Thibault Poiret

    We work with a smooth relative curve $X_U/U$ with nodal reduction over an excellent and locally factorial scheme $S$. We show that blowing up a nodal model of $X_U$ in the ideal sheaf of a section yields a new nodal model, and describe how these models relate to each other. We construct a Néron model for the Jacobian of $X_U$, and describe it locally on $S$ as a quotient of the Picard space of a well-chosen nodal model. We provide a combinatorial criterion for the Néron model to be separated.

    Volume : Volume 6
    Publié le : 21 septembre 2022
    Accepté le : 1 juin 2022
    Soumis le : 9 avril 2021
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,Mathematics - Commutative Algebra,Mathematics - Number Theory


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