Ana-Maria Brecan ; Hans Franzen - Torus Actions on Quotients of Affine Spaces

epiga:10073 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 22 août 2023, Volume 7 -
Torus Actions on Quotients of Affine SpacesArticle

Auteurs : Ana-Maria Brecan ; Hans Franzen

    We study the locus of fixed points of a torus action on a GIT quotient of a complex vector space by a reductive complex algebraic group which acts linearly. We show that, under the assumption that $G$ acts freely on the stable locus, the components of the fixed point locus are again GIT quotients of linear subspaces by Levi subgroups.

    Volume : Volume 7
    Publié le : 22 août 2023
    Accepté le : 6 juin 2023
    Soumis le : 22 septembre 2022
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,Mathematics - Representation Theory

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