Catriona Maclean - Cohomology classes of complex approximable algebras

epiga:10865 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 13 février 2024, Volume spécial en l'honneur de Claire Voisin -
Cohomology classes of complex approximable algebrasArticle

Auteurs : Catriona Maclean

    Huayi Chen introduces the notion of an approximable graded algebra, which he uses to prove a Fujita-type theorem in the arithmetic setting, and asked if any such algebra is the graded ring of a big line bundle on a projective variety. This was proved to be false in a previous paper of the author's, who subsequently proved that any such algebra is associated to an infinite Weil divisor. In this paper, we show that over the complex numbers, this infinite Weil divisor necessarily has finite cohomology class.

    Volume : Volume spécial en l'honneur de Claire Voisin
    Publié le : 13 février 2024
    Accepté le : 17 octobre 2023
    Soumis le : 29 janvier 2023
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry
    Financement :
      Source : OpenAIRE Graph
    • Algebraic and Kähler geometry; Financeur: European Commission; Code: 670846


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