Robert Friedman ; Radu Laza - Deformations of some local Calabi-Yau manifolds

epiga:10899 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 5 novembre 2024, Volume spécial en l'honneur de Claire Voisin -
Deformations of some local Calabi-Yau manifoldsArticle

Auteurs : Robert Friedman ; Radu Laza

    We study deformations of certain crepant resolutions of isolated rational Gorenstein singularities. After a general discussion of the deformation theory, we specialize to dimension $3$ and consider examples which are good (log) resolutions as well as the case of small resolutions. We obtain some partial results on the classification of canonical threefold singularities that admit good crepant resolutions. Finally, we study a noncrepant example, the blowup of a small resolution whose exceptional set is a smooth curve.

    Volume : Volume spécial en l'honneur de Claire Voisin
    Publié le : 5 novembre 2024
    Accepté le : 31 mai 2024
    Soumis le : 2 février 2023
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,14J32, 14B07, 32S30, 14E15, 32S45

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