Bruno Klingler - P-adic lattices are not Kähler groups

epiga:4842 - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 21 mai 2019, Volume 3 -
P-adic lattices are not Kähler groupsArticle

Auteurs : Bruno Klingler

    In this note we show that any lattice in a simple p-adic Lie group is not the fundamental group of a compact Ka\"hler manifold, as well as some variants of this result.

    Volume : Volume 3
    Publié le : 21 mai 2019
    Accepté le : 21 mars 2019
    Soumis le : 21 septembre 2018
    Mots-clés : Mathematics - Group Theory,Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry

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