Volume 8

Huitième volume de l'Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique - 2024

1. Diagonal F-splitting and Symbolic Powers of Ideals

Daniel Smolkin.
Let $J$ be any ideal in a strongly $F$-regular, diagonally $F$-split ring $R$ essentially of finite type over an $F$-finite field. We show that $J^{s+t} \subseteq \tau(J^{s - \epsilon}) \tau(J^{t-\epsilon})$ for all $s, t, \epsilon > 0$ for which the formula makes sense. We use this to show a number of novel containments between symbolic and ordinary powers of prime ideals in this setting, which includes all determinantal rings and a large class of toric rings in positive characteristic. In particular, we show that $P^{(2hn)} \subseteq P^n$ for all prime ideals $P$ of height $h$ in such rings.

2. Filtered formal groups, Cartier duality, and derived algebraic geometry

Tasos Moulinos.
We develop a notion of formal groups in the filtered setting and describe a duality relating these to a specified class of filtered Hopf algebras. We then study a deformation to the normal cone construction in the setting of derived algebraic geometry. Applied to the unit section of a formal group $\widehat{\mathbb{G}}$, this provides a $\mathbb{G}_m$-equivariant degeneration of $\widehat{\mathbb{G}}$ to its tangent Lie algebra. We prove a unicity result on complete filtrations, which, in particular, identifies the resulting filtration on the coordinate algebra of this deformation with the adic filtration on the coordinate algebra of $\widehat{\mathbb{G}}$. We use this in a special case, together with the aforementioned notion of Cartier duality, to recover the filtration on the filtered circle of [MRT19]. Finally, we investigate some properties of $\widehat{\mathbb{G}}$-Hochschild homology set out in loc. cit., and describe "lifts" of these invariants to the setting of spectral algebraic geometry.

3. Quasi-positive orbifold cotangent bundles: Pushing further an example by Junjiro Noguchi

Lionel Darondeau ; Erwan Rousseau.
In this work, we investigate the positivity of logarithmic and orbifold cotangent bundles along hyperplane arrangements in projective spaces. We show that a very interesting example given by Noguchi (as early as in 1986) can be pushed further to a very great extent. Key ingredients of our approach are the use of Fermat covers and the production of explicit global symmetric differentials. This allows us to obtain some new results in the vein of several classical results of the literature on hyperplane arrangements. These seem very natural using the modern point of view of augmented base loci, and working in Campana's orbifold category.

4. The universal vector extension of an abeloid variety

Marco Maculan.
Let $A$ be an abelian variety over a complete non-Archimedean field $K$. The universal cover of the Berkovich space attached to $A$ reflects the reduction behaviour of $A$. In this paper the universal cover of the universal vector extension $E(A)$ of $A$ is described. In a forthcoming paper ( arXiv:2007.04659), this will be one of the crucial tools to show that rigid analytic functions on $E(A)$ are all constant.

5. Derived $F$-zips

Can Yaylali.
We define derived versions of $F$-zips and associate a derived $F$-zip to any proper, smooth morphism of schemes in positive characteristic. We analyze the stack of derived $F$-zips and certain substacks. We make a connection to the classical theory and look at problems that arise when trying to generalize the theory to derived $G$-zips and derived $F$-zips associated to lci morphisms. As an application, we look at Enriques-surfaces and analyze the geometry of the moduli stack of Enriques-surfaces via the associated derived $F$-zips. As there are Enriques-surfaces in characteristic $2$ with non-degenerate Hodge-de Rham spectral sequence, this gives a new approach, which could previously not be obtained by the classical theory of $F$-zips.

6. On the finite generation of valuation semigroups on toric surfaces

Klaus Altmann ; Christian Haase ; Alex Küronya ; Karin Schaller ; Lena Walter.
We provide a combinatorial criterion for the finite generation of a valuation semigroup associated with an ample divisor on a smooth toric surface and a non-toric valuation of maximal rank. As an application, we construct a lattice polytope such that none of the valuation semigroups of the associated polarized toric variety coming from one-parameter subgroups and centered at a non-toric point are finitely generated.

7. Interpolation and moduli spaces of vector bundles on very general blowups of the projective plane

Izzet Coskun ; Jack Huizenga.
In this paper, we study certain moduli spaces of vector bundles on the blowup of the projective plane in at least 10 very general points. Moduli spaces of sheaves on general type surfaces may be nonreduced, reducible and even disconnected. In contrast, moduli spaces of sheaves on minimal rational surfaces and certain del Pezzo surfaces are irreducible and smooth along the locus of stable bundles. We find examples of moduli spaces of vector bundles on more general blowups of the projective plane that are disconnected and have components of different dimensions. In fact, assuming the SHGH Conjecture, we can find moduli spaces with arbitrarily many components of arbitrarily large dimension.

8. Normal forms for quasi-elliptic Enriques surfaces and applications

Toshiyuki Katsura ; Matthias Schütt.
We work out normal forms for quasi-elliptic Enriques surfaces and give several applications. These include torsors and numerically trivial automorphisms, but our main application is the completion of the classification of Enriques surfaces with finite automorphism groups started by Kondo, Nikulin, Martin and Katsura-Kondo-Martin.

9. Action of the automorphism group on the Jacobian of Klein's quartic curve II: Invariant theta functions

Dimitri Markushevich ; Anne Moreau.
Bernstein-Schwarzman conjectured that the quotient of a complex affine space by an irreducible complex crystallographic group generated by reflections is a weighted projective space. The conjecture was proved by Schwarzman and Tokunaga-Yoshida in dimension 2 for almost all such groups, and for all crystallographic reflection groups of Coxeter type by Looijenga, Bernstein-Schwarzman and Kac-Peterson in any dimension. We prove that the conjecture is true for the crystallographic reflection group in dimension 3 for which the associated collineation group is Klein's simple group of order 168. In this case the quotient is the 3-dimensional weighted projective space with weights 1, 2, 4, 7. The main ingredient in the proof is the computation of the algebra of invariant theta functions. Unlike the Coxeter case, the invariant algebra is not free polynomial, and this was the major stumbling block.

10. Etale descent obstruction and anabelian geometry of curves over finite fields

Brendan Creutz ; Jose Felipe Voloch.
Let $C$ and $D$ be smooth, proper and geometrically integral curves over a finite field $F$. Any morphism from $D$ to $C$ induces a morphism of their étale fundamental groups. The anabelian philosophy proposed by Grothendieck suggests that, when $C$ has genus at least $2$, all open homomorphisms between the étale fundamental groups should arise in this way from a nonconstant morphism of curves. We relate this expectation to the arithmetic of the curve $C_K$ over the global function field $K = F(D)$. Specifically, we show that there is a bijection between the set of conjugacy classes of well-behaved morphism of fundamental groups and locally constant adelic points of $C_K$ that survive étale descent. We use this to provide further evidence for the anabelian conjecture by relating it to another recent conjecture by Sutherland and the second author.

11. Ngô support theorem and polarizability of quasi-projective commutative group schemes

Giuseppe Ancona ; Dragos Fratila.
We prove that any commutative group scheme over an arbitrary base scheme of finite type over a field with connected fibers and admitting a relatively ample line bundle is polarizable in the sense of Ngô. This extends the applicability of Ngô's support theorem to new cases, for example to Lagrangian fibrations with integral fibers and has consequences to the construction of algebraic classes.

12. Tautological relations and integrable systems

Alexandr Buryak ; Sergey Shadrin.
We present a family of conjectural relations in the tautological cohomology of the moduli spaces of stable algebraic curves of genus $g$ with $n$ marked points. A large part of these relations has a surprisingly simple form: the tautological classes involved in the relations are given by stable graphs that are trees and that are decorated only by powers of the psi-classes at half-edges. We show that the proposed conjectural relations imply certain fundamental properties of the Dubrovin-Zhang (DZ) and the double ramification (DR) hierarchies associated to F-cohomological field theories. Our relations naturally extend a similar system of conjectural relations, which were proposed in an earlier work of the first author together with Guéré and Rossi and which are responsible for the normal Miura equivalence of the DZ and the DR hierarchy associated to an arbitrary cohomological field theory. Finally, we prove all the above mentioned relations in the case $n=1$ and arbitrary $g$ using a variation of the method from a paper by Liu and Pandharipande, this can be of independent interest. In particular, this proves the main conjecture from our previous joined work together with Hernández Iglesias. We also prove all the above mentioned relations in the case $g=0$ and arbitrary $n$.

13. Universality for tropical and logarithmic maps

Gabriel Corrigan ; Navid Nabijou ; Dan Simms.
We prove that every toric monoid appears in a space of maps from tropical curves to an orthant. It follows that spaces of logarithmic maps to Artin fans exhibit arbitrary toric singularities: a virtual universality theorem for logarithmic maps to pairs. The target rank depends on the chosen singularity: we show that the cone over the 7-gon never appears in a space of maps to a rank 1 target. We obtain similar results for tropical maps to affine space.