Neuvième volume de l'Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique — 2025
An action of a complex reductive group $\mathrm G$ on a smooth projective variety $X$ is regular when all regular unipotent elements in $\mathrm G$ act with finitely many fixed points. Then the complex $\mathrm G$-equivariant cohomology ring of $X$ is isomorphic to the coordinate ring of a certain regular fixed point scheme. Examples include partial flag varieties, smooth Schubert varieties and Bott-Samelson varieties. We also show that a more general version of the fixed point scheme allows a generalisation to GKM spaces, such as toric varieties.
Wahl's local Euler characteristic measures the local contributions of a singularity to the usual Euler characteristic of a sheaf. Using tools from toric geometry, we study the local Euler characteristic of sheaves of symmetric differentials for isolated surface singularities of type $A_n$. We prove an explicit formula for the local Euler characteristic of the $m$th symmetric power of the cotangent bundle; this is a quasi-polynomial in $m$ of period $n+1$. We also express the components of the local Euler characteristic as a count of lattice points in a non-convex polyhedron, again showing it is a quasi-polynomial. We apply our computations to obtain new examples of algebraic quasi-hyperbolic surfaces in $\mathbb{P}^3$ of low degree. We show that an explicit family of surfaces with many singularities constructed by Labs has no genus $0$ curves for the members of degree at least $8$ and no curves of genus $0$ or $1$ for degree at least $10$.
Classical polylogarithms give rise to a variation of mixed Hodge-Tate structures on the punctured projective line $S=\mathbb{P}^1\setminus \{0, 1, \infty\}$, which is an extension of the symmetric power of the Kummer variation by a trivial variation. By results of Beilinson-Deligne, Huber-Wildeshaus, and Ayoub, this polylogarithm variation has a lift to the category of mixed Tate motives over $S$, whose existence is proved by computing the corresponding space of extensions in both the motivic and the Hodge settings. In this paper, we construct the polylogarithm motive as an explicit relative cohomology motive, namely that of the complement of the hypersurface $\{1-zt_1\cdots t_n=0\}$ in affine space $\mathbb{A}^n_S$ relative to the union of the hyperplanes $\{t_i=0\}$ and $\{t_i=1\}$.
The Witt group of skew hermitian forms over a division algebra $D$ with symplectic involution is shown to be canonically isomorphic to the Witt group of symmetric bilinear forms over the Severi-Brauer variety of $D$ with values in a suitable line bundle. In the special case where $D$ is a quaternion algebra we extend previous work by Pfister and by Parimala on the Witt group of conics to set up two five-terms exact sequences relating the Witt groups of hermitian or skew-hermitian forms over $D$ with the Witt groups of the center, of the function field of the Severi-Brauer conic of $D$, and of the residue fields at each closed point of the conic.
We study the arithmetic geometry of the reduction modulo $p$ of the Siegel modular variety with parahoric level structure. We realize the EKOR-stratification on this variety as the fibers of a smooth morphism into an algebraic stack parametrizing homogeneously polarized chains of certain truncated displays.