Fifth volume of Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique - 2021
We develop a theory of modulus sheaves with transfers, which generalizes Voevodsky's theory of sheaves with transfers. This paper and its sequel are foundational for the theory of motives with modulus, which is developed in [KMSY20].
We develop a theory of sheaves and cohomology on the category of proper modulus pairs. This complements [KMSY21], where a theory of sheaves and cohomology on the category of non-proper modulus pairs has been developed.
We construct here many families of K3 surfaces that one can obtain as quotients of algebraic surfaces by some subgroups of the rank four complex reflection groups. We find in total 15 families with at worst $ADE$--singularities. In particular we classify all the K3 surfaces that can be obtained as quotients by the derived subgroup of the previous complex reflection groups. We prove our results by using the geometry of the weighted projective spaces where these surfaces are embedded and the theory of Springer and Lehrer-Springer on properties of complex reflection groups. This construction generalizes a previous construction by W. Barth and the second author.
Reid's recipe for a finite abelian subgroup $G\subset \text{SL}(3,\mathbb{C})$ is a combinatorial procedure that marks the toric fan of the $G$-Hilbert scheme with irreducible representations of $G$. The geometric McKay correspondence conjecture of Cautis--Logvinenko that describes certain objects in the derived category of $G\text{-Hilb}$ in terms of Reid's recipe was later proved by Logvinenko et al. We generalise Reid's recipe to any consistent dimer model by marking the toric fan of a crepant resolution of the vaccuum moduli space in a manner that is compatible with the geometric correspondence of Bocklandt--Craw--Quintero-Vélez. Our main tool generalises the jigsaw transformations of Nakamura to consistent dimer models.
It was conjectured by Lang that a complex projective manifold is Kobayashi hyperbolic if and only if it is of general type together with all of its subvarieties. We verify this conjecture for projective manifolds whose universal cover carries a bounded, strictly plurisubharmonic function. This includes in particular compact free quotients of bounded domains.
We prove that some relative character varieties of the fundamental group of a punctured sphere into the Hermitian Lie groups $\mathrm{SU}(p,q)$ admit compact connected components. The representations in these components have several counter-intuitive properties. For instance, the image of any simple closed curve is an elliptic element. These results extend a recent work of Deroin and the first author, which treated the case of $\textrm{PU}(1,1) = \mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{R})$. Our proof relies on the non-Abelian Hodge correspondance between relative character varieties and parabolic Higgs bundles. The examples we construct admit a rather explicit description as projective varieties obtained via Geometric Invariant Theory.
The Bialynicki-Birula strata on the Hilbert scheme $H^n(\mathbb{A}^d)$ are smooth in dimension $d=2$. We prove that there is a schematic structure in higher dimensions, the Bialynicki-Birula scheme, which is natural in the sense that it represents a functor. Let $\rho_i:H^n(\mathbb{A}^d)\rightarrow {\rm Sym}^n(\mathbb{A}^1)$ be the Hilbert-Chow morphism of the ${i}^{th}$ coordinate. We prove that a Bialynicki-Birula scheme associated with an action of a torus $T$ is schematically included in the fiber $\rho_i^{-1}(0)$ if the ${i}^{th}$ weight of $T$ is non-positive. We prove that the monic functors parametrizing families of ideals with a prescribed initial ideal are representable.
We show that all reduced closed subschemes of projective space that have a Cohen-Macaulay graded coordinate ring are of wild Cohen-Macaulay type, except for a few cases which we completely classify.
We obtain geometric models for the infinite loop spaces of the motivic spectra $\mathrm{MGL}$, $\mathrm{MSL}$, and $\mathbf{1}$ over a field. They are motivically equivalent to $\mathbb{Z}\times \mathrm{Hilb}_\infty^\mathrm{lci}(\mathbb{A}^\infty)^+$, $\mathbb{Z}\times \mathrm{Hilb}_\infty^\mathrm{or}(\mathbb{A}^\infty)^+$, and $\mathbb{Z}\times \mathrm{Hilb}_\infty^\mathrm{fr}(\mathbb{A}^\infty)^+$, respectively, where $\mathrm{Hilb}_d^\mathrm{lci}(\mathbb{A}^n)$ (resp. $\mathrm{Hilb}_d^\mathrm{or}(\mathbb{A}^n)$, $\mathrm{Hilb}_d^\mathrm{fr}(\mathbb{A}^n)$) is the Hilbert scheme of lci points (resp. oriented points, framed points) of degree $d$ in $\mathbb{A}^n$, and $+$ is Quillen's plus construction. Moreover, we show that the plus construction is redundant in positive characteristic.
We consider the Cohen-Macaulay compactification of the space of twisted cubics in projective n-space. This compactification is the fine moduli scheme representing the functor of CM-curves with Hilbert polynomial 3t+1. We show that the moduli scheme of CM-curves in projective 3-space is isomorphic to the twisted cubic component of the Hilbert scheme. We also describe the compactification for twisted cubics in n-space.
Let $G$ be a connected algebraic group. We study $G$-equivariant extremal contractions whose centre is a codimension three $G$-simply connected orbit. In the spirit of an important result by Kawakita in 2001, we prove that those contractions are weighted blow-ups.
We formulate a conjecture on actions of the multiplicative group in motivic homotopy theory. In short, if the multiplicative group G_m acts on a quasi-projective scheme U such that U is attracted as t approaches 0 in G_m to a closed subset Y in U, then the inclusion from Y to U should be an A^1-homotopy equivalence. We prove several partial results. In particular, over the complex numbers, the inclusion is a homotopy equivalence on complex points. The proofs use an analog of Morse theory for singular varieties. Application: the Hilbert scheme of points on affine n-space is homotopy equivalent to the subspace consisting of schemes supported at the origin.
Let $L$ be a line bundle on a proper, geometrically reduced scheme $X$ over a non-trivially valued non-Archimedean field $K$. Roughly speaking, the non-Archimedean volume of a continuous metric on the Berkovich analytification of $L$ measures the asymptotic growth of the space of small sections of tensor powers of $L$. For a continuous semipositive metric on $L$ in the sense of Zhang, we show first that the non-Archimedean volume agrees with the energy. The existence of such a semipositive metric yields that $L$ is nef. A second result is that the non-Archimedean volume is differentiable at any semipositive continuous metric. These results are known when $L$ is ample, and the purpose of this paper is to generalize them to the nef case. The method is based on a detailed study of the content and the volume of a finitely presented torsion module over the (possibly non-noetherian) valuation ring of $K$.
We show that any infinite algebraic subgroup of the plane Cremona group over a perfect field is contained in a maximal algebraic subgroup of the plane Cremona group. We classify the maximal groups, and their subgroups of rational points, up to conjugacy by a birational map.
We provide a description of the fundamental group of the quotient of a product of topological spaces X i, each admitting a universal cover, by a finite group G, provided that there is only a finite number of path-connected components in X g i for every g ∈ G. This generalizes previous work of Bauer-Catanese-Grunewald-Pignatelli and Dedieu-Perroni.
Let H be a complex Lie group acting holomorphically on a complex analytic space X such that the restriction to X_{\mathrm{red}} of every H-invariant regular function on X is constant. We prove that an H-equivariant holomorphic vector bundle E over X is $H$-finite, meaning f_1(E)= f_2(E) as H-equivariant bundles for two distinct polynomials f_1 and f_2 whose coefficients are nonnegative integers, if and only if the pullback of E along some H-equivariant finite étale covering of X is trivial as an H-equivariant bundle.
We determine all configurations of rational double points that occur on RDP del Pezzo surfaces of arbitrary degree and Picard rank over an algebraically closed field $k$ of arbitrary characteristic ${\rm char}(k)=p \geq 0$, generalizing classical work of Du Val to positive characteristic. Moreover, we give simplified equations for all RDP del Pezzo surfaces of degree $1$ containing non-taut rational double points.
We prove the existence of a crepant sdlt model for slc pairs whose irreducible components are normal in codimension one.
The main result of the present paper is a construction of relative moduli spaces of stable sheaves over the stack of quasipolarized projective surfaces. For this, we use the theory of good moduli spaces, whose study was initiated by Alper. As a corollary, we extend the relative Strange Duality morphism to the locus of quasipolarized K3 surfaces.
As an application of the theory of Lawson homology and morphic cohomology, Walker proved that the Abel-Jacobi map factors through another regular homomorphism. In this note, we give a direct proof of the theorem.
For a holomorphic vector bundle $E$ over a polarised Kähler manifold, we establish a direct link between the slope stability of $E$ and the asymptotic behaviour of Donaldson's functional, by defining the Quot-scheme limit of Fubini-Study metrics. In particular, we provide an explicit estimate which proves that Donaldson's functional is coercive on the set of Fubini-Study metrics if $E$ is slope stable, and give a new proof of Hermitian-Einstein metrics implying slope stability.